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Discovering the Mechanisms of Life

The Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Interdepartmental Graduate Program at Iowa State University is a multidisciplinary major that allows students to explore the mechanisms of life processes in cutting-edge research labs.  Our students perform independent research under the guidance of top faculty investigating a diverse range of questions in the sciences of molecular, cellular and developmental biology. 

MCDB Graduate Learning Goals

  • Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of scholarly literature in the area of study.
  • Form testable hypotheses and articulate research objectives that, when met, will lead to significant contributions to the field of study.
  • Conduct qualitative and/or quantitative research via appropriate acquisition, analysis, and reporting of data.
  • Interpret research results appropriately, integrating them into the existing knowledge in the discipline.
  • Clearly and accurately communicate research findings orally and in writing, and often through the use images (tables, figures, and other forms of imagery) and electronic or other forms of media.
  • Articulate how the graduate program, including coursework and creative scholarship, fits into life and career goals.
  • Conduct scholarship, in teams or with independence, in ways that consistently demonstrate ethical practice and professionalism.